Swan Farm, Swan Lane, Aughton, Lancashire, L39 6SU

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Next recycling collection: 02/04/2025
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Bulky items collection day: Wednesday
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Band: F
Charge: £3257.77

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Ward: Rural South Ward

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Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN): 100012654381
OS grid reference: 338759 - 404958


Planning applications are listed below:

Application number 2007/0836/FUL
Demolition of existing buildings and erection of four detached dwellings with garages and formation of new vehicular access.
Application details   Associated documents
Status Planning Permission Granted
Application number 2010/1362/FUL
Demolition of existing buildings and erection of four detached dwellings with garages and formation of new vehicular access. (Extension of time limit for implementation of planning permission 2007/0836/FUL).
Application details   Associated documents
Status Planning Permission Granted
Application number 2014/0132/FUL
Demolition of existing buildings and erection of four detached dwellings with garages including associated external works and formation of new vehicular access.
Application details   Associated documents
Status Planning Permission REFUSED
Search for nearby planning applications using our map search facility.

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Please note: whilst this service is designed to provide users with lots of useful information, it does not provide all the details related to a property. If you have a specific query it should be directed to the relevant council department or agency.